
10 Easy Steps for Buying a Mattress

Jan 07, 2017

Shopping for a mattress can be daunting and overwhelming and downright difficult. With all of the choices out there, where do you even start when you need a new mattress? Here at Southerland, we pride ourselves on our quality products at a price you can afford. Take a minute to review our tips to make your shopping experience better!

  1. Know the size mattress that you want.
  2. Make sure said mattress size will fit in your room.
  3. Calculate your budget so you know your price range.
  4. Pay attention to your sleep position. Do you sleep on your side, back or stomach?
  5. Make a list of any allergies you may have to compare with products.
  6. Understand the difference between firmness and support. (Hint: They are not the same)
  7. Be ready to answer the question about being a hot or cold sleeper
  8. Know if you need to buy a mattress foundation or if you already have one
  9. Familiarize yourself with a company’s warranty. Not all warranties are the same!
  10. If you have a sleeping partner, bring them along so the mattress you buy works for you both.

Remember, we spend a third of our life sleeping so buying a new mattress is a big decision. Most importantly, have fun and enjoy this learning experience.
